Nirvana Organics Himalayan Crystal SaltĀ® is much more than just rock salt or the sea salt that processed in modern times. It is a complete food, identical in composition to the primal ocean itself. It is salt as nature intended and renowned to contain 84 minerals and trace elements found naturally in the human body, essential for life and good health. Due to the salt's remarkable crystalline structure, the elements are available in minute particles (colloidal size) and can easily be absorbed by human cells and metabolized.
A typical analysis of Nirvana Himalayan Crystal SaltĀ®.as listed on each pack includes elements Sodium, Chloride, Sulphur, Calcium, Potassium, Oxygen, Lithium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium and Chromium.
Himalayan Crystal Salt is renowned to contain many additional trace elements, which is identical to elements originally found existing in the primal ocean. Our body fluids, which make up approximately 70% of our weight, contain almost the same ratio of elements as seawater.
Totally Natural and Unrefined
Wholesome, Holistic and has No Additives
Great Tasting - Ideal for Cooking and Table Use

84 essential elements
Free from additives
Hand mined for crystal protection
Ideal for Cooking and Table use
Nirvana Organics Himalayan Crystal Salt
Available as
Fine Stone Ground Salt
Medium Stone Ground Salt
125g Shaker and 500g
Salt Granules
100g with Grinder and 500g
Salt Chunks
Salt Pipe Inhaler
South Australia's leading distributor of
Natural, Organic and Specialty
Foods and Products
PO Box 1237, Nairne SA 5252
Ph: 08 81880331 Fax: 08 81880330 Email: sales@bronhill.com
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